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MATRIX employees Julie and Heather volunteer for Feed The Hunger Pack-a-thon

November is Hunger Awareness month and two of our amazing employees Heather Wright and Julie Williams gave back to their community by volunteering at the Feed The Hunger Pack-a-thon through RockPointe Church in Flower Mound, Texas.

Feed the Hunger Pack-a-thon is a food packing event in which the Church helps produce thousands of nutritious meals that will be distributed through Feed the Hunger partners to children and families in need, both in America and Internationally.

The Pack-a-thon Event spanned six days, with several shifts. The volunteers were responsible for getting food containers ready, filling the food with the appropriate amounts of beans, protein powder, and rice, weighing the packets to meet the specific weight requirements for shipping, then sealing and packing the boxes of food to be shipped.

Julie and Heather's team of volunteers packed a total of 760 packs of food which will feed 4,560 people. The entire team on the day they volunteered packed a total of 25,440 meals that will be shipped to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Thank you Julie and Heather for volunteering your time to a great cause!

Interested in helping Feed The Hunger?

This video will help you understand what a Feed the Hunger Packathon is, why you should help, and how to get started.

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